When there is a need to record data for pressure testing, accuracy is of immense importance. In this situation, circular chart recorders are ideally suited. To be precise, the inkless chart recorders are just the best in the recording of data for pressure testing. Inkless chart recorders as indicated by the name do not involve the use of ink for the purpose of recording the data. These types of recorders without the involvement of ink make use of pressure-sensitive paper along with a thermal stylus. In addition to this, there are a number of advantages of using inkless chart recorders at the time of recording data for pressure testing.
Enhances the Recording Capabilities
In the inkless chart recorders, the need for a pen with a felt tip is necessarily eliminated which is the reason why the recording capabilities are enhanced since there are no chances of the ink in the pen being exhausted or drying up. Moreover, there is simply no need for the pen to be replaced as well. This, in turn, makes sure that there is guaranteed recording in the inkless chart recorders.
Highly Reliable and Accurate in Nature
The inkless chart recorders can be completely relied upon at the time of recording data for pressure testing. Moreover, the accuracy with which the inkless recorders record the data can be readily trusted which is highly beneficial in this regard. These chart recorders are microcontroller based and the crystal-controlled chart drives make sure that the chart speed accuracy is good.
Marking is Retained for Long
The marking on the chart in case of the inkless chart recorders is retained for a long period of time since the marking is done with the help of pressurized needles. The use of pressure-sensitive papers being used instead of thermal papers necessarily makes sure that the marking is retained for quite a long time.
Versatile and Long Life
The versatility of the inkless chart recorders is something that is loved by the users and hence necessarily the most preferred choice when it comes to recording pressure testing data. Most importantly, the intensity of the heat with which the thermal pen creates marks on the paper is controlled with a power supply that is very well regulated thereby ensuring a longer life of the heating element which in turn makes sure that the inkless chart recorders last for a long period of time and can be used without any kinds of hesitations.
Easily Visible
The stepper motors so used for both the pen as well as the chart drive make sure that there is no lag as well as no backlash. In addition to this, the polycarbonate door makes the chart to be easily visible even from distance.
Thus, it can be clearly understood why the inkless chart recorders are used for the purpose of recording data at the time of pressure testing.
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