A paperless recorder is a data logger or information-obtaining gadget used to record estimated information over time. Numerous paperless recorder gadgets are coordinated into mechanical control frameworks for measure-checking applications. Paperless recorder items ordinarily offer adaptability in the customization of data sources and channels.
Features of Paperless Recorder for Temperature
G-Tek’s CDP_5343 SmartScreen arrangement of the paperless recorder is flexible, simple to utilize, and smaller for all your interaction recording prerequisite. These arrangements of the recorder utilize the most recent widescreen with high-resolution displays. With Smart Phone like look and feel make it is easy to handle.
CDP_5343 is a 12-channel data logger or paperless recorder designed to record analog measurements of temperature sensors. In addition, to a multichannel universal indicator that visualizes readings numerically on its screen. The instrument can be mounted on a wall via its IP65-protected housing.
Additional Features to look out for in Paperless Recorder
Battery Back-up: The battery provides a backup of 48 hours
Power Supply: 100–240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
P.C Interface: Paperless recorder can feature an internal memory allowing for stored data to be transferred to a PC via a USB stick or flash drive. Alternatively, the data collected by a paperless recorder can be downloaded directly to a PC using an RS-485 interface.
Why Select G-Tek Corporation?
The portability and convenience of use make these paperless recorders widely used in a number of industries for the desired results. The paperless temperature recording solutions can be completely relied upon without any kinds of hesitation. It offers users enhanced accuracy with special features such as batch reporting, secure electronic records, and modular I/O architecture. The security features of these recorders are not affected by the threats of cybersecurity that affect Windows OS. Here the recorded data cannot be corrupted since it is encrypted into a binary file thereby making sure that the data is completely secure. The users can easily view the data of the recorder as well as the alarm systems remotely with the help of a web browser which necessarily makes the operation more efficient and thus the most preferred choice of the users. These facilities allow us to stand out from the rest making sure that the paperless recorders that are purchased by our customers fulfill all their required needs accurately.