Remote measurement is basically the measurement of any physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, and many more from a distance or not being physically present at the site for the measurement of the same. Remote measurement makes it extremely convenient for the users to easily have complete control over the process irrespective of the location. This is the exact reason why remote measurement is so much preferred. Now, for the purpose of effective remote measurement, the wireless data loggers come to the rescue of the users.
Concept of Wireless Data Loggers
These data loggers are actually electronic devices that help in the remote measurement of a number of physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and many more. The data so recorded over time is in relation to the location with either an instrument or sensor that is already built-in. As can be understood from the name of the product, this data logger is devoid of any wires and the measured data is transferred through peer-to-peer, LAN, or Wi-Fi connections to the downstream processing units that are the computers. Thus, the need of being physically present at the site of measurement is eliminated which is highly beneficial in terms of remote measurement.
How is Remote Measurement Done?
With the help of these wireless data loggers, it becomes quite easy to remotely measure the desired quantities. Any of the processes that require a constant measurement of some data but being physically present for doing the same is not a feasible solution, these data loggers come to the rescue. These data loggers when used for remote measurement of data play a crucial role in localized monitoring as well as communicating the data in real-time with the help of LAN or Wi-Fi connections to any centralized location from where the remote measurement can be essentially done in the best possible manner.
Let Gtek’s Wireless Data Loggers Help You
Gtek is one of the leading manufacturers of top-notch wireless data loggers which are ideally suited for the intended purpose of use. The wireless data loggers from Gtek are extremely effective in remote measurement data that too with utmost accuracy and hence can be completely relied upon. Here are the two new wireless data loggers from Gtek for your help.
LM – H Pro RF
This series of wireless data loggers are a completely fresh addition to the product range of Gtek which is radiofrequency RF-based. This wireless data logger helps in the measurement of the three most vital parameters that is pressure, relative humidity percentage, and differential pressure in the industries. These data loggers are extremely helpful in the monitoring of data across large facilities since they are devoid of any wires, hence named wireless. Read more:
LM – T Pro RF
This series of wireless data loggers are also new radio frequency-based data loggers which measure temperature and help in the transmission of data with the help of radiofrequency. Being wireless in nature, these data loggers help in the elimination of clumsy as well as time-consuming wiring requirements. Read more:
So, at any point in time, you need the best wireless data loggers, you need not look any further and simply come to Gtek for the most appropriate solutions in this regard.
Read more from our blog: Application of Wireless Data Loggers